Dream Differently 2.0

Since Dream Differently was first published in 2017, our world has changed drastically. The decline of the importance of the 4-year BS/BA degree continues unabated, while the need for applicants with practical, STEM-based skills and knowledge accelerates across all industries.


In Dream Differently 2.0, Vince Discusses:

"A very insightful book written by someone who genuinely cares about America's students. Bertram addresses the topics people are too timid to talk about, but should. I think every high school student should read this book before going to college. You won't be disappointed. Even as a senior in college, I learned a few things from reading it."


Vince's Message to Students & Parents


Dear Students,

You are facing many important and sometimes overwhelming decisions about your future. What career do you want to pursue? What education do you need? How do you differentiate yourself and stand out? These decisions have serious financial and career consequences. My personal mission is to help you make informed decisions.